Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Increase your Marketing ROI with Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a comprehensive marketing platform that enables businesses to create exceptional customer experiences. This by creating dynamic content and managing personalized customer journeys across email, mobile, social media, web, and advertising.

AI-powered data analytics guide you in optimizing campaigns, maximizing ROI, and driving sustainable business growth. Whether you’re automating marketing tasks, analyzing data, or crafting personalized experiences, Marketing Cloud provides the tools to succeed.

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Key benefits

  • Unified Customer Profiles: Gain a 360-degree view of your customers with unified profiles, enabling personalized interactions across all touchpoints. 

  • Cross-Channel Personalization: Deliver targeted offers and content using AI, ensuring relevant engagement via email, mobile, ads, and web.

  • Marketing Analytics & Insights: Optimize campaigns and spending with unified marketing performance data and AI-powered insights. 

  • Streamlined Marketing Automation: Automate repetitive tasks, manage customer profiles with smart capture forms, and run effective sales campaigns, freeing up your team’s time.

  • Measurable ROI Growth: Experience an average of 28% increase in marketing ROI after implementing Salesforce Marketing Cloud (Source: Salesforce). 

On track to meet your specific goals

You don’t have to use the entire Marketing Cloud suite at once. We offer a scalable approach, allowing you to select the specific tools that align with your unique needs. Whether you focus on email marketing, social media engagement, or building personalized customer journeys, we can help you achieve your desired outcomes.

Audience Studio

Deep (Customer) diving
Combine and capture your data to strengthen customer relationships across every touchpoint with this powerful data-management platform.

Data Studio

All-round data solution
Find new audiences, create new partnerships, and facilitate data acquisition and data provisioning.

Marketing Cloud Intelligence

One for all
Connect, analyse, and react to your data in one global marketing dashboard, to drive ROI, speed, and growth across your business.

Account Engagement

Ahead of the game
Make 1-to-1 engagement a reality — across all touchpoints. Deliver truly relevant customer experiences with this leading real-time personalisation and interaction management solution.

Advertising Studio

Ad(d) value
Use your CRM data to personalise digital advertising, creating 1-to-1 customer experiences.

Journey Builder

Deliver cross-channel personalised experiences during every step of the customer lifecycle with campaign management.

Interaction Studio

Ahead of the game
Make 1-to-1 engagement a reality — across all touchpoints. Deliver truly relevant customer experiences with this leading real-time personalisation and interaction management solution.

Email Studio

Smarter conversations
Reach your customers with smarter emails — from basic marketing campaigns to sophisticated 1-to-1 messages.

Mobile Studio

Agility in mobility
Reach customers on any device by personalising your mobile marketing with SMS messages, push notifications, and chat messaging.

FORWARD, Marketing Cloud and YOU – the winning team

You don’t have to be a big company to use Marketing Cloud. In fact, Marketing Cloud is ideal for any company wishing to get personal with their customers. The same applies if you plan to target only one or two channels. There’s no need to arm yourself with every tool all at once—simply pick the Salesforce product(s) that meet your specific needs.

Marketing Cloud equips businesses to create dynamic content tailored to individual customer needs and preferences. By capturing valuable customer information through smart capture forms, you can deliver personalized experiences across all channels. Optimize your customer service efforts by integrating Marketing Cloud with Sales Cloud for a unified customer view. Utilize automation to streamline marketing tasks and focus on strategic initiatives. Gain valuable insights into your marketing performance with robust reporting and analytics tools.

Moving forward?

Once you’ve decided to work with Marketing Cloud, FORWARD takes care of Salesforce implementations in 2 phases. The MVP phase, starting with one or more workshops to establish your company’s needs, a project kick-off, 3-week marketing sprints and culminating in a clean project handover. Then phase 2, during which we’ll optimise communication across the marketing funnel. The final result is customer specific, and we make sure to put you on the right track to achieve your business process and objectives.

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